Such a horrible ending doesn't make any sense. Left the viewers confused and disappointed. I was deeply disappointed with the ending of the series. It felt rushed and forced, as if the writers had run out of ideas and just wanted to tie up loose ends as quickly as possible. The resolution to the central conflict was unsatisfying and didn't make sense in the context of the show's rules and mythology.
What made the ending even worse was that it invalidated much of what had come before it. Characters who had been developed over time were suddenly reduced to one-dimensional caricatures of themselves. Plot points that had been teased and built up over the course of the series were either ignored or resolved in a way that made little sense.
It's a shame, because up until the final few episodes, the tv show was an enjoyable and well-crafted show. But the ending was so disappointing that I cannot in good conscience recommend it to anyone. It's not just that the ending was bad; it actively ruined what had come before it.