The creator of this movie could not have failed any worse, in covering a story that has drawn my attention since I was a young girl. Mary Shelley, Percy Shelley, and Lord Byron, what could go wrong? Everything. It is like they watched the film
Gothic, from the early 90's, and did the cheapest, most basic mockup of it. While also removed anything interesting or artistic about that film. From the bizarre casting ( an Indian / Asian man playing Percy Shelley, and a Pacific Islander or Aboriginal actor, playing Byron) which pulls you out of the story every time you see these characters. It's seemed to go from Caucasian people playing all ethnicities on film, from a lack of ethnic actors in decades past, to people putting every ethnicity BUT white. Even for the Caucasian characters. Just to be as "pc" as possible, and have zero regard for historical accuracy. It's incredibly silly , pretentious, and pointless. And they will soon replace these ethnic actors with trans ethnic actors. Just to be even MORE "pc". How about they start casting the best fitting actors for the parts, again?! Well there is absolutely nothing else redeeming about this silly, inaccurate, steaming pile of a movie. Just skip it, unless you like to be irritated by the utter garbage factor of a film.