'Beast (2018)' is about toxic relationships, in all their forms: with your lover, your mother, your father, your siblings, your ex, your town, your past, your nature, yourself. Moll, brilliantly and subtly portrayed by Buckley, is caught in a tangled web of manipulation, mistreated by pretty much everyone in her life. The film, essentially, chronicles her growth from timid and trampled-on to uncaged and triumphant (in a counter-intuitive sort of way). She's certainly put through the wringer, pushed to her very limits and then pushed passed even those. Someone almost unrecognisable emerges from the other side. Even though the contrast is stark, it's gradual enough that it makes perfect sense. Her transformation is incredibly satisfying, constantly moving forward and often taking unexpected turns. Of course, it's sparked by the arrival of Pascal, portrayed a little (though, somewhat appropriately) flatly by Flynn. He's an enigmatic entity that undergoes a number of shifts himself, which usually relate to how we perceive him. Since we're constantly in Moll's perspective, our opinion of the guy shifts whenever her's does but, even when she trusts him the most, you're not quite sure what to make of him. This keeps you on your toes and is helped immensely by the fact that the feature isn't predictable at all. The relatively unconventional narrative shifts around in unforeseen ways and makes a number of bold moves, especially towards its end. Its surprise third act is actually a delight, even if the end of the second act initially seems like it should be the plot's culmination. The movie often leans into its more horrific aspects by presenting itself as a horror, using music and atmosphere to create some really creepy sequences. It balances this well with its more conventionally romantic moments, which are actually just as creepy in retrospection, that do a good job of conveying the connection between its two focal characters. The whole thing is exceedingly thematically-rich and layered. Not only does it make you think, it actually gets under your skin. It gets in your head and stays there; it's a rewarding experience, for sure. It's a unique, mysterious piece that's engaging throughout. 8/10