This biography was excellent. I learned a lot about actor Paul Hogan's early life and how his natural wit and charm made him a fan favorite not just in Australia, but world wide. Although the film did not expose what his relationship was with his five (5) children with his first wife as they grew into adulthood, it did show that Paul Hogan, the actor, man, husband and father loved his family even after he became a world wide star.
I thought that actress Justine Clarke was perfectly cast as Noelene Hogan, Paul's wife. Her smile on screen was infectious and her deep love for her husband Paul was evident throughout the film. It was not very nice that Paul Hogan decided to leave a 30 year marriage for his much younger co-star Linda Kozlowski, but the way that both Paul and Noelene handled the situation was mature and must have made their adult children's transition into accepting Linda Kozlowski as their stepmother a lot less awkward.
Paul Hogan's natural charm and wit shone through every scene as his career gradually accelerated in his home country of Australia through the early years and into stardom with the world release of Crocodile Dundee. I assume the portrayal of Paul Hogan as a man being grounded even after realizing his international fame was real and that is why to this day he is still loved and respected by his countryman.
Josh Lawson did an excellent job portraying the charismatic Paul Hogan and after the first 30 minutes I believed I was watching and listening to the real Paul Hogan. The only negative thing I can say about this biography is that actor Josh Lawson's blonde wig was so ridiculous and fake that I kept looking at that mop that sat on the top of his head and I half expected it to move as if it were a cat sitting on top of his head.
I give the film an excellent 9 out of 10 rating