This was Ronnie Whitt's feature film directorial debut. He literally had no budget or backing. All production equipment was Ronnie Whitt's personal equipment. It took nearly 2 years to complete because there was no money to hire a full time crew. Ronnie Whitt did everything except sound.
Ronnie Whitt, Sound Designer Steve Covington and "Pearl Bryan" actress Melissa Fox (Arand) all attended the same college. The actress Rachel Whitt "Johanna" is Ronnie Whitt's niece. Production was shot on location at Bobby Mackey's Music World in Wilder Kentucky where the events actually happened. Production also filmed on location at premiere Culinary Entertainer Jeff Ruby's The Precinct in Cincinnati Ohio. The cast did all their own stunts. When word of production hit the local news it quickly spread attracting the attention of reputable paranormal investigators. Ronnie Whitt shot all scenes with nationally known Medium Patricia Mischell very real documentary style with no cutting. What you see with Patricia is exactly what you get. There was plenty of paranormal activity during shooting but everyone got so used to it they chose to ignore it. Near the end, a hand wraps around Sarah Ibold (Majeed)'s stomach. They didn't see it until dailies. The shot was left in. Ronnie Whitt does not consider this a horror movie do to the pacing, lack of blood and violence.