Video Brinquedo have been branded The Asylum of animation for good reason. Their output is consistently awful, with the exact same flaws in everything they've done so far with no improvement whatsoever.
People may ask "why did you see them all or keep watching them?" The answer is very simple. Curiosity. There is something somewhat compulsive about their badness, but it compels anybody to see what else they've done and compare, also to see if they've made anything worthwhile. The answer is that none of them are, and while some are worse and more intelligence insulting than others the amateurish (and that's being kind) quality is consistent.
'Monsters vs Aliens' was actually an enjoyable film and actually looked like effort was made with it, even if it was not DreamWorks at their best. Imperfections and all, it is a classic in comparison to its truly monstrous blatant rip off 'Little and Big Monsters'. Saying that 'Little and Big Monsters' is not quite as bad as 'Ratatoing', 'The Little Panda Fighter' and 'The Little Cars' is not saying much, along with 'What's Up Balloon to the Rescue' it is among Video Brinquedo's top five worst.
For starters, 'Little and Big Monsters is hideous to look at and looks like it was made in a few minutes if that. Again it is filled with forced character designs (with the human designs looking like they were modelled on potatoes), incredibly flat colours(even badly coloured crayon pictures have more refinement) and backgrounds that are lacking in any kind of fluidity coming across as static and simplistic instead. The music also sounds cheap and more suited to a low budget video game or a slots game, also never fitting and completely disconnected.
The writing once again is appalling, some of the worst writing in any of Video Brinquedo's output, with clunky and draggy exposition, nonsense and irrelevant chatter and unfunny, intelligence-insultingly stupid and sometimes crudely offensive jokes, that even very young children will find themselves feeling dumber after hearing. The Chinese joke just a minute and a half in has to be one of the most blatant and legitimate examples of racism in animation history, so much so that you don't have to be Chinese yourself to be offended by it. This is a huge problem when 'Little and Big Monsters', like all of Video Brinquedo's output, is so dialogue heavy.
'Little and Big Monsters' has a story that's interminably dull, with scenes that drag on and on and often serving no point at all, and even figuring out what's going on or trying to follow the story proves extremely difficult. No charm, fun or heart can be found here. The characters on top of being hideously animated are both bland and irritating, the Dr Crumb character is especially reprehensible. Don't expect the titular characters to save it, they are not in it long enough to make much impression and poor writing, unappealing character designs and flat personalities hinder them further. The voice acting is lifeless, like they didn't even try or even want to be there, it was almost like they were bribed or would do anything to get some quick cash.
Overall, Video Brinquedo rears its ugly head again with one of their worst of a consistently terrible output. 1/10 (a very rare rating on my part these days). Bethany Cox