This show starts out very slow and even annoying. By the end of the third episode I was about ready to give it the boot. But I stuck with it and warmed up to it as the series went along.
This isn't the best K-drama ever, but it gets better with each episode. It's been said the final two episodes are unnecessary filler, but I didn't find that to be so. Those episodes tied up some strings and were well-done.
While there's something to be said for a show that deals with extreme shyness, at the beginning this series carries that concept to the extreme. How many times can a guy trip all over himself to avoid letting someone look him in the eye?. Fortunately after the 3rd or 4th episode that becomes less slapstick and more emotional in nature. The entire series remains under-keyed, but it has highlights and enough emotional and plot-twist intrigue to build interest as it goes along.
Just be aware that you may have to suffer through three or four episodes of "annoying" before the show even starts to get to the meat of the plot, and nearly halfway through before the series really gets down to the direction it's going.
As a side-thought: Do all these K-drama shows pick exactly two songs for the entire series? I got so sick of "Memories" and "Kiss My Lips" by the end of this series. I enjoy this genre in genral. I've sat through several longish series glued to the screen and once binged-watched a 45-episode series in 5 days. So it's easy to get hooked on K-com / K-drama. I wasn't so much glued to this one as "tolerant" of it, and in the end was glad I stuck with it. This doesn't seem to be as "binge-worthy" as other shows I've seen, but is still worth the watch.