As a Celtic pagan (use to be wiccan) witch, this movie is EXTREMELY offensive as it paints wiccans/pagans/witches or just people in the occult world in general as bloodthirsty evil people, which is a reputation people of the occult world try to escape, but this movie adds to the reputation and makes it seem more taboo. If Lawrence actually done a simple quick google search on the Wiccan religion he would see that a well known quote that Wiccans go by is "An' it harms none, do as what ye will"(which basically means as long as you are not harming anyone, do what you want)-this is why wiccans refrain from jinxes/hexes/curses or any other darker magick and instead focus on lighter magick,which CLEARLY isn't portrayed throughout this movie. If he actually done his research he would of saw that wiccans(and pagans) do NOT worship Satan as Satan is strictly a Christian construct, instead they worship or work with the God-the god and goddesse is a wiccan construct not pagan as all wiccans are pagan but not all wiccans are pagan (either a horned god like Pan or Cernunnos or sometimes any other pagan god) and/or the Goddess (either a triple goddess like Hekate or sometimes any other pagan goddess like Aphrodite). Long story short it is VERY clear that the creators of this movie didn't even lift a finger to do any form of research on the religion they were giving such a bad name and adding to the bad reputation-which clearly wouldn't happen to any other religion without causing an uproar