Oddly enough then I had actually never heard about this 2017 animated "Star Wars" series titled "Star Wars: Forces of Destiny" before here in 2022, as I happened to stumble upon it by sheer random chance. And with it being a "Star Wars" title and me being a huge fan of the franchise, then there was no doubt about me picking this up and watching it.
I wasn't sure what to expect with this being an animated series, but of course I gave the series the benefit of the doubt. The only thing that really bothered me about this series was the run time of the episodes.
And I will say that I actually was genuinely surprised with "Star Wars: Forces of Destiny", despite of the short run time for each episode. I liked the stories, despite of it being mere snippets of stories actually, and it was enjoyable that they spanned over the prequel era, the original saga era and the sequel era. Not to mention a great variety in characters showing up in the series as well.
The art style and animation was good, and I will say that of all the animated series in the franchise, then "Star Wars: Forces of Destiny" is definitely one of the better and more outstanding of shows.
And the voice cast was great, it was especially amazing that they had so many of the original voices of the characters show up and do the voice acting.
If you like "Star Wars", then "Star Wars: Forces of Destiny" is definitely worth watching.
I am rating "Star Wars: Forces of Destiny" a six out of ten stars.