One of the best things I've seen Andy Garcia do and it proves how versatile an actor he is. A great story about two people - one older and out of luck on many levels, and the other young and smarter than her years but alone and desperate for human contact. Each at odds with their circumstances, they come together thanks to the fearless young girl, and they bounce off each other like oil and vinegar. "Ana" (Dafne Keen) who's inexperienced view of life flips from one crazy notion to another makes you want to hug her and slap her in equal proportions. Rafa (Andy Garcia) suffering from bouts of Angina, does his best but his health is an issue and he keeps getting bested by the girl's erratic and irrepressible moods and actions. At times exasperating, her off the wall spontaneity throws him frequent curves. He goes from one sharp intake of breath to another as he tries to cope with her behaviour. He owes his bookie a deal of cash which puts extra stress on his dodgy heart adding pressure he can well do without! Sooner of later the issue must be faced with an outcome which could affect them both. There is an uneasy bond between them but for Rafa time is running out and his desperation to avoid his loan shark's threats is somewhat hopeless.....