Bring back good old days in high school and very good if you like music or even play an instrument.
(There is my critique in the scene but it contains no spoiler)
The movie depicts a very youth of school's life and combine with music and little bit of romantic 'sugar' on top. There is a plot that looks too good to be true but I can relate how high school students can do extreme things like that, like all we (hope) did - in my experiences I did a cross-line things but that is something that I always cherished for in life. That's why the title really represents the movie at all.
Starting with Chen Jing as a main character, a simple girl with a hopeful romantic. The story goes very generally like how a young girl who eager to get Wang Wen's heart as it is expected to be a youth movie I try to enjoy every single of it and not trying to predict it. Perhaps few people might have 'struggle time' watching this because of the '2 dimensional' thing, but that is one part of the youth that not many people notice resembles as a freedom or I can say a sweet escape for their world.
The climax scene is very on point and I know this movie because I saw the battle scene on the internet. I felt that at the end of the scene can be improved somehow, when they played that music I as the audience want to know more and can be related with it: why they chose that song with the great philosophy that audience can understand, it could make a powerful ending. And although that last one scene is very insane to be true, I think that is possible thing that young students can do. But as results they can get arrested tho hahaha.
I would recommend to people who enjoy music and want to know about little bit culture of music from China. It is splendid to understand a bit about it after watch film. And I would like to praise Wang Ran as the director of this amazing idea and concept, bring culture and music at the same time in film, and also nostalgia about youth. After watch this, I really want to re-learn and play my music instrument, haha. And there is potential of this movie can be continued but I would suggest to make it as a TV series, because the depth of the characters and the culture musics can be dig dive. For examples, the next generation of the characters or continuing the third year of their high school. As far as I remember like anime from K-ON!