After a few months in an anime slum I picked an anime on Netflix at random. I was HOOKED from the moment it started. Watching it on my work breaks and everything. The characters are easy to love because despite being robots it's easy to relate, sympathise and understand them. I don't quite understand science and sci-fi isn't really my go to. But this is definitely a new comfort show i will be watching again and again. I wish i could see more of Ido because his character growth is impeccable and crafted so well i was speechless. There are dislikable characters but i like that there aren't any hatable characters. In my opinion it's because it's easy to understand people's motivations. But the professor is 100% the most dislike-able characters.
Also Rick is a lovely characters i actually adore him. I do get Denki (my hero academia) vibes from him. But he is amazing. The Lieutenant is another amazing character. While watching i did get so caught up in it that i constantly forgot Maya is a child, probably between 16 and 20 doing physical activities for the first time. But her naivety became irritating but wasn't overplayed which is great. A lot of other animes overplay the naive female role but it felt just enough. Like Maya's seemed normal like an actual teenage girl level normal.