I read the description and could see a world of possibilities. Starting the film I saw it was only an hour and half long and was suspicious as to how much it could do in such a limit time. It starts out slow and some of the beginning seems irrelevant. Then it gets into the true premise of the film, but never explains the motivation of the characters. It seems to be more of a movie about modern gay culture specifically causal physical relations with unknown guys met on the internet or what would be a passing encounter in person. The description of a guy wants to explore race play and gets more than he bargains for, isn't wrong but the first half hour has nothing to do with that, the last hour yes in a way but it felt more of a neurotic narcissism than a racial sexual fetish. Would have been better if they developed the characters and motives more, help the viewer understand both sides because both made a choice to become involved in that situation.