An escaped fugitive is on the run hunted by an elite group of trackers and bounty hunters but little do they know they are the hunted when they enter the hallowed grounds of Jason Voorhees.
Familiar faces including those from earlier Friday movies and those involved in Friday 13th fan films..............but nobody really worth a nod.
I'm binge watching Friday 13th fan films at the moment and there are no shortage, from the Never Hike Alone movies to the Vengeance ones and everything in between there's so very many and the quality very much varies as you can imagine.
Out of the big ones the Never Hike films stand at the forefront, whereas this is somewhere at the back of the line.
This doesn't follow the series, this wedges itself in after the first couple of films which both helps and hinders it. It helps because Jason can look more human and therefore save on budget and effects, it harms because human Jason doesn't exactly cut the same imposing figure as his more modern counter parts.
The elements with the mother were a nice touch, but on the flip side enter a fantastical realm that I'm sure many won't appreciate.
The film itself is mediocre, it plays it very safe, it's bland, the cast are forgettable and the whole thing just felt so very very meh! Maybe I'm burned out on Jason, or maybe I've just witnessed what pinnacles fan films can reach and this simply doesn't come close.
What is it with Friday 13th fan films and shilling? I mean I already see that people who make them are often buddies and you'll find the director from one be the producer for another and so forth and as I've learned there's some animosity between certain parties as well. But why the shilling? It's a well known fact I hate the act but I've never seen it so consistent, is it all part of them being in competition with one another? Don't you realize it has the opposite effect and damages your credibility? I see multiple 10/10 reviews with excessive praise, name dropping the director and with similar wording then I'm going to know your film is a joke and so are you for playing such a foolish blatant game.
Returning cast is a nice touch
Mother element is interesting
Rather boring
Plays it too safe
Weak kills.