The first Fire Emblem game that feel like it has left the Old gameplay behind, now we are in team building and customization hell.
The characters feel like they are their own personality, but gameplay messy They all feel the same, there are some who are so overpowered they stand out, but because you can customize every character in into every role, they stop feeling unique in the gameplay.
Permanent death doesn't work in this game. In the former games you get interesting stories about your best unit dying and now you have to use other unit, and still defeating the big bad. But in this one It doesn't work because you have so few characters and they are built to very specific things so you cannot lose them, so it's just reset.
Maxing out your professor points having dinner with the students, trying to get the friendships growing, stealing the students from other teachers. It is fun and engaging but it takes so much time, It's one of the reasons I don't return to this game very often.
This and fire emblem shadows of valentia has the bests soundtrack in the franchise. It is insane, I can listen to this on repeat and never get tired. The real orchestra add so much dipped it never gets boring, and few songs hit hard when they are used with the amazing singer.
The characters are so delightful some of them are based on stereotype, but they evolve into their own character still.
The difficulty is out of duck, hard mode will after a while become kind of mindless, but that kind of mindless where you still have to focus intensely, and maddening is hard very hard, But it takes such particular build and set up to get through it that it stopped being fun.
You would think that it would be four big campaigns in one game which is true, but the first half of the campaign is always the same and it reuses the maps so much. Personally the Golden deer is the most satisfying to me because we actually discover WHOs behind It all, and the 3 other doesn't feel as satisfying to me.
It's a weird game. I remember this game being awesome in my mind, but I didn't play it for four years and I remember now Why, because every time I played it feels kind of the same, the characters and stories pulled me through. I think it's a really good game but as a Fire Emblem game, I think we'll hitting the limit.
But as a standalone game, it is amazing and I would recommend this to anyone who likes strategy. It is amazing.