At first, i found Sarazanmai confusing, boring, disappointing... like the other people found it. But, i am a strong believer of that you need to know the whole thing to be able to review it. And now, after 9 chapters the plot is strong, it had some really good twists and all the confusing things has been taking some clarity.
Is not just a show about nonsense, it's something that has a lot of messages since the first chapter that are relevant in the posterior ones. It has a really well structured history and plot, the characters aren't completely plain and it has enough unexpected plot twists. It's not just predictable on any sense if you don't know the original material.
Graphically is pretty good (a bit over saturated but i think it was the main intention) and the soundtrack it's interesting and hilarious.
It is definitely a show that it's worth of a second try, or a third one.
For me, is one of the best animes of this season. It just needs a little bit of patience.