I just completed S1-E3 and have to get this out of my head.
I'll probably watch the whole series because it's an interesting enough drama/mystery. The acting is fine. The directing seems at least mediocre. The writing is reasonably good drama, but did anyone on this project consult an expert or two.
There are immense issues with the way the arctic winter environment and the tools, clothes, skills, etc. Necessary to function are portrayed. Literally every character seems like a theater kid's conception of their functional stereotype. People, particularly skilled intelligent outdoors-people and scientists do not behave this way...AT ALL. The outdoor wardrobe choices are ridiculous.
Having worked outdoors at -20 to -30+ degree F, I may be a bit judgmental. At 10-20 below or beyond you do not go out without face protection and goggles. If you're spending significant time, you're also wearing arctic boots, mittens, and down pants. Your hood is definitely up and pulled tight around your face. And that's the tip of the iceberg. The writers blew it on loads of cold related details.
That said, it's an interesting enough mystery drama to continue watching. I'll try to revise this review after watching the rest of the series.
For now I'd say this series is entertainment junk food. Not exactly filling or wildly delicious, but tasty enough to nibble while having a beer on the sofa.