This school girl anime is centred on Hanako, Olivia and Kasumi; three friends who are second years at an all-girls middle school. They are the members of the unofficial Pastimers Club; the pastimes in question being talking or doing what they feel like at the time. We don't just see them hanging out together; they interact with other students and a teacher they try to make their official adviser.
This looks like many other anime series but once one starts watching it feels different... and certainly delivers the laughs. The character designs are distinctive, some might say ugly, but that fits with the humour of the series. The characters are a lot of fun in their own ways; Olivia pretends that her Japanese is poor but in fact she is fluent... her English on the other hand is below average; Hanako introduces the others to some odd games and Kasumi isn't keen on games and enjoys writing yaoi stories. Overall I'd certainly recommend this hilarious series.
These comments are based on watching the series in Japanese with English subtitles.