The B&B, Emily's country Inn, has been open for a year and Jenny is looking forward to being a fall bride. The couple has a unique way of making wedding in Ricky the goat picks their wedding invitations and Brian sets out to build his bride a gazebo. Jenny has invited most of the town to share the joy of their wedding/union.
"I bake it, you sell it."-Jenny to Brian
The usual cast of characters are back...the coffee shop owner-Casey, the general store owner-Tommy, Brian's friend and former coworker-Harry, our blogger and B&B reviewer-Susan, the town staple-Vern, next door neighbor-Alice and the goats (although the kids got a swap out and what happened to the singing tow truck driver, I thought he might perform at the wedding?).
Brian reconnects with his estranged father...and Jenny finds out she has a long lost cousin, Meg, who is in town to claim 1/3 of the B&B which Brian and Jenny can't afford. With their pending wedding, they might be forced to sell the inn.
"We may lose the house, but it is the memories that we keep."-Brian
"You do know you can take the sunset with you."-Brian
This was a beautiful conclusion of Hallmark's All of My Heart series. (Although I am secretly hoping we will get to see them with actual kids, not the goat kind.)