Even after four decades of his death they still won't support his works and the rights he brought during his reign. Muhammad Reza Shah was truly a great man despite the three mistakes he did. One was to change the countries calender ,second reigning when he saw abrupt in the nation,third foreign interference in his rule.
History always is the truth and Iranians unfortunately cannot change the History. It tells us exactly what the heartless Iranians did to the Shah. No country ever abandons its citizens like that apart from that and all the injustice that happened with them they still won't admit what wrong they did. This series is the proof that they still haven't accepted the truth and still consider the good as the bad. Completely false and not authentic. In this series the pauper on the street is shown better than the king. Its completely based on the efforts (based on a perspective of a extremist Iranian scholar rather than the one's who do ruling) of the spiritual leaders so called efforts that they did to get rid off the modern Iran and alliances with foreign countries. Very very disappointed. Its a lie people. Instead go on and read history which will tells us the truth about what really happened.