This is really a three hander with the lead characters providing a strong basis for the storyline. The main characters of Lily and Martin are well played by Nicolette McKeown and Jeremy Theobald and are well crafted and expertly played. Martin is underplayed somewhat as his character seems stuck in a single mood throughout the film, However, Lily shows a large number of emotions in her journey through the film. To this end McKeown does not miss a beat.
Unusually, you actually care about what happens to these characters from an early stage in the unfolding of the story. Special mention has to be made for the acting prowess of Lee Fanning as Lily's erstwhile 'boyfriend' - a more unlikable foil for Lily's character cannot be imagined. It is a fantastic performance and draws you into the abusive world Lily is being forced to live in in a remarkably believable performance.
Marcus MacLeod is suitably enigmatic as The Stratagist and the film is stronger for not revealing the role he plays in the lives of the main characters.
This is a film which can be slow in parts (but very few as the story carries you through) has a certain level of satisfaction int he story line and leaves enough unanswered to be able to sit and discuss the meaning of certain aspects of the plot. Never a bad thing.
Admittedly a low budget film but it very rarely looks it. I have seen films with huge budgets fail to get the realism this one does into the story, but that is a lot to do with the performances.
If you get the chance to see it, there are much worse ways to spend the time. Actually - just go see it.