Very small liberty is taken by this film makers from swaying away from truth and the court room drama Revelation of this unfortunate incident. In doing so first time a Police Officer's Mental is touched truly medically. Cops are doing their duties goons political Asylum and Political Support Communal support is really damaging the society. In fact Police is a Friend of the accused in reality ! The only un necessary dance intruded as item song is a cheap shot. Rest of the film lies in pressured couple life due to vocational incidents is really just given a say. Solidarity of Police force in general is re validated. In reality people are blaming some party as a whole but the ruling party awarded the police officer with Police Medal and Defense Minister has spoken in favor of the police party. It is only those few who are routinely since long practicing these un wanted and damaging in longer run appeasement that is really given a full and honest exposure. We really feel the tension of police party against terrorism. Some read between line type of message is certainly re affirmed. Story is a true incident. An honesty in narration was required. As it happened so is said. Decorating the police social pressure life job wise personal sacrifices all said without saying it . Simply story telling in proper way wins the audience's praise.