36 minutes is how far I got into the ordeal that passes as "It Lives Inside", before I had to give up out of sheer desperation. This movie was boring, horribly, horribly boring. Nothing of any worth or interest had happened during these 36 minutes and I just couldn't find the will to keep watching.
I sat down to watch "It Lives Inside" given the fact that it as branded as a horror movie. Little did I know just what kind of horror I was in for... Absolutely nothing in the movie, aside from being bored senseless.
The acting in the movie was adequate, taking into consideration the premise of the movie, its budget and production level, and such. Just don't get your hopes up on award winning performances to blow you away here.
The storyline in "It Lives Inside" was non-existing. From what I managed to pick up during my ordeal of 36 minutes, it was about a family slowly coming apart, struggling with money and a mortgage, and apparently some kind of haunt or entity in the house. Well, as I said, nothing much happened during the long 36 minutes I endured, and I have no intention of ever returning to watch and finish the rest of the movie. I simply wasn't entertained in the least, nor did I care an inch about the characters or their predicaments.
"It Lives Inside" feels like an up-scale amateur project, or a film student project. Not that either of those is bad; I had just expected a bit more from the movie, given the appeal of the movie's cover/poster.
I can't in good conscious recommend this movie to anyone.