The biggest issue of 'TRY' for me was the main character was unlikeable. Maybe I'm too spoilt with all the Hollywood flicks full of drop-dead-gorgeous, righteous hero types... but there are plenty of villain, anti-hero or even loser type characters in cinema history that are still memorable and relatable. Marcos in 'TRY' is not one of them.
If I really have to think hard and be his advocate, ok, I can come up with some reasons why he is the way he is. An unsuccessful actor, conscious of his slipping youth and once a big hopeful dream, by now knows too well but still doesn't want to admit the world is not welcoming and adoring him with open arms... So reconnecting to his childhood friend from his homeland, who might have seen him as a younger man who sparkled with big hopes and dreams, could be an uncomfortable ordeal.
But even considering all that, Marcos has no quality to redeem. He plays friendly (and makes up little lies if necessary) when he needs something from people, yet readily pushes them away the next. He is exhausted, depressed, moody, touchy and doesn't even try to make his situation better. We're not even given much of his backstory or his excuses in his own words (a couple of scenes where he would have talked his mind are actually made his line inaudible, so we would never know)...
For a director/writer/actor, a character in their work is their creation, what they have envisioned, crafted and brought to life. However a rotten situation or character, they can't help but feel some sort of affection to them.
But before putting their work to the world, they also need to view their work, cold-heartedly, from a random audience's point of view too. AN audience invested a small penny and 2 hours in his life to watch the film. All they want is something... be it a simple fun, a drop of tear, something to think about or some sort of provocation. If the film and its main character provides nothing to connect or relate to, why should an audience care? People like Marcos there might be a lot in our life, but why should I like to spend 2 hours of my life with him?