Ok; to me, this story was unbeliavable. In a way that there is no way one can believe the events described in the series. Even if we suspend belief for the entertainment value, there are too much inconsistencies, twists and coincidences that start to bother right from the beginning. In order not to give spoilers I won't go into detail but there are some major moments which are too soap opera that I forgot I was watching a thriller/ crime mystery adapted from a novel by one of the most successful writers of this genre. Then I remembered that the only novel I've read from H. Coben was not to my taste either.
Adaptation was also basic. Whenever something significant happens we are kindly reminded of the moment that is related to that revelation by flashbacks, why? I guess because we are too stupid to make the connection by ourselves.
The acting; I really enjoyed watching Anthony Head (Although I must admit his acting is always the same acting since Buffy, which is fine by me). Kaye was good, Dooley was good, so were all the actors/actresses in the second roles, the children especially. Husband was ok. I had a problem with Kirwan's adoring mother portrayal . It was just not convincing . And the lead dedective Jo (?) character did bother me . I think the ending was an insult to her , a quick fix in her personal and professional life. The actress was trying hard but there was no purpose or depth in her character.
To sum up, very superficial, meaningless, like an AI generated story ... that I could not stop watching because it had a junk food quality to it. Everyone likes to watch beautiful houses and cars and people with beautiful clothes on, with the exception of the bad guys of course. They were not fashionable :) I also kind of wondered what will happen in the end , not to the characters because they became so annoying that I did not care anymore , but I wanted to see how they will tie everything up. It was done quickly .
So a success despite all the flaws. A crowd pleaser. But if you are serious about crime fiction, watch Hinterland instead. I wish there was more of that one.