Kate is an animator, free-spirit woman and mom to Sophia. Eric has a type A personality who loves laminating things, following rules and is also a single dad to Owen. Both parents agree to adopt a dog, the same dog, so they co-foster the adorable Bruce.
You can imagine who this thing goes: they spend time together, become close, become friends and in the end start feeling things for the other. What made me rate this movie with a 9 is that they wisely chose not to include the typical cliches they always do. Plus, it was so much fun to watch! I actually laughed out loud more than once.
Sophia and Eric both have the same personality as well as Kate and Owen and I thought that was beautiful, the four of them coming together, sharing experiences while spending time with the dog: (Don't shop, adopt!)
The fact that Sophia's parents are separated, but still have a great friendship, and they even talk about new relationships, kudos for that!
Nikki Diloach was so much fun to watch and Michael Rady excels at playing this type A personality. Great chemistry. The children were adorable and did amazing!
I'm just so happy they avoided the cliches and came with new ideas for once (even the flash-forward), well done!