I know there's going to be an almost unending run of one-star reviews here, just because it's fun to trash Amy Schumer, but the first half of this is actually an improvement over her last special.
Schumer clearly has *some* comedic skills: whether, like so many of her past jokes, they've all been stolen from other people, I don't know (there ARE a bunch of postures and facial expressions in this one she seems to have lifted wholesale from Louis CK).
I think the problem is they are not in service to anything: she herself has nothing of any real interest, novelty or depth to say. The subject matter never once leaves herself, and generally just tends to return to the familiarly lazy remarks on her own slobbishness, guaranteed to arouse whooping "you go girl"s from her bovine crowd. There's not very many jokes, as such, and the ones there are aren't very funny.
The second half is where it really nosedives and she gets into her cringey NPC feminist talking points. Without her awful, awful, awful politics shoehorned in, this would have been a solid 4: poor but not irredeemable. But with them, she ruins any goodwill or willingness to hear her out, and so the whole special itself.
TLDR: I guarantee you will not laugh once.