Right, well I was expecting to see a proper western movie here, but instead I was served a movie about a group of imprisoned mormons and the hardships of the people that want to see them brought to justice.
Yeah, not really exactly what I had imagined this movie to be. And I managed to endure 40 minutes of the ordeal that is "Out of Liberty" before I was Out of Patience, and simply called it quits. And there is no chance of me returning to finish the rest of this movie.
Now, it should be said that the movie does have a good production value to it, and it definitely has the era feel to it, being gritty and somewhat rough. But the movie just failed utterly on its script and storyline. I was far from being entertained by what transpired on the screen, both in terms of what took place and the characters participating in said boring events.
I am sure that there is an audience out there for a movie such as this. I just wasn't in that group. Sure, the movie may be set within the confines of what constitutes a western movie, but this was hardly a western movie in the classic (or generic) meaning of the word "western".
And the whole aspect of religion that simmered beneath the surface of the movie didn't really do an ounce of helping to win me over either.
My rating of "Out of Liberty" is a mere three out of ten stars. This was a massive swing and a miss from director Garrett Batty as in managing to entertain me. I had expected this to be a western movie, not a slow paced and rather mundane prison drama.