While few of Ernst Lubitsch's very early films (so the German silents) are quintessential Lubitsch, they are still well worth watching. Especially 'The Doll' and 'The Oyster Princess'. For quintessential Lubitsch as an overall whole though, look no further than the likes of 'Trouble in Paradise', 'Heaven Can Wait', 'To Be or Not to Be' and 'The Shop Around the Corner', where his unmistakable "Lubitsch Touch" style had fully emerged and at its best whereas it was not yet properly found in his silent films.
'Sumurun' is no exception to this. It is very well made, entertaining and among the high middle of Lubitsch's early efforts, though also rather odd and do agree that it is a little cold emotionally. It is worth the look if one is a fan of this great director and to see Pola Negri in her prime. But one may want to look elsewhere if they want to see a film easier to invest in, more tonally consistent and more subtle, as well as if one wants to see what the fuss with "the Lubitsch touch" is about.
It certainly looks great. The sets especially are spectacular even and the costumes are wonderfully exotic. The photography is neither too static or overblown, the story is opened up enough while not being swamped. The music is a good fit and that it was scored for few instruments worked in its favour, maybe some may have wanted a grander approach but as for me it was great that it wasn't overscored or too constant.
Furthermore, 'Sumurun' is often very amusing, silly but the humorous elements tend to be well-timed and fun. The story goes at an energetic pace and doesn't feel dull. Lubitsch had not properly found his style yet by this film but one can tell that he was engaged with the material and having fun with it. Negri is a very likeable and sultry lead, and seemed to have fun.
That is not to say that 'Sumurun' is perfect as it isn't. Will agree with those that felt that it was on the bland side, and if it allowed us to care for the characters a lot more (only a couple endear really) and simplified the storytelling a little more that would have made things better.
With the humour, it's always amusing but the more farcical moments felt a touch repetitive and most of the cast overplay their parts with a lot of exaggerated gestures going on.
Overall, good fun but not great. Lubitsch went on to much better things. 7/10