As Hal Roach originally conceived it, the Our Gang Series would be about kids and their animals. Soon enough it became about the kids themselves and the animals were split off into a separate series, the Dippy Doo Dads, but this one, the oldest surviving one in the series -- although not the earliest released -- starts with a bunch of animals stuffed into clothes for the first three minutes until we see the first sign of humans: Ernest Morrison, Alan Hoskins as Farina, and their goat and mule. And then we watch for five minutes as Morrison harnesses the mule for his father before heading off to the Gang at the "Robers' Cave"
This was the essence of Our Gang, incident without clear plot or reason, because that's the way you lived your life as a child. The world didn't make much sense to you, but it probably would some day. Oh, there might be plot, there might be a purpose, but there are other things to worry about.
Say, have you looked at the news lately? Not so bad a philosophy.