"Rainbow Over Broadway" is a cheap musical from tiny Chesterfield Pictures. However, despite this very humble pedigree, the film is worth watching and the songs are far better than you'd expect from a grade-z outfit like Chesterfield. This is, clearly, a B-movie which aged fairly well.
The story is about two siblings, Bob and Judy, who want to write songs. However, the producer who wants to use their songs also, inexplicably, wants to have their step-mother, Trixie, sing them. The problem is that Trixie is a god-awful person. It seems that long ago she was a star on stage but the prima donna hasn't vanished despite being gone for some time...and Trixie's obnoxious demands threaten to derail her step-kids' careers. Will this old battleaxe relent or will her antics threaten all they've worked for so far?
The best thing about this film is the music--something I rarely notice nor care about usually. But the songs are catchy and the story keeps your interest.