In this short, Kelly is an incompetent and lazy telephone operator. At one point instead of connecting calls, she doing a crossword puzzle and when stumped at one of the clues, calls Todd. She asks her "What General is buried in Grant's tomb?" To which Todd replies "What dumb dame is wearing Patsy Kelly's shoes?" Quite rightly, Kelly gets fired and goes to Todd, who is a nurse, and asks to stay with her at her room in the hospital. Todd says no and then comes up the scheme to have Kelly stay in an empty patient's room. The head nurse finds Kelly and mistakes her for a patient that needs emergency surgery. In the best part of the short, Kelly tries to get away from the head nurse and a male aide and then she and the head nurse try to knock each other out with anesthetic gas. It's a wonderful slapstick scene done in part in slow motion. Hilarious. Todd doesn't have much to do and it's really Kelly's show. I like Kelly's brashness and she's really good with slapstick - a comedy form I like. This is a funny comedy short worth seeing.