...but I was somewhat perplexed. This movie might have been OK if someone other than Everett Marshall had been the leading man - say Dick Powell for example. Mr. Marshall was an excellent singer but had absolutely no chemistry as a leading man here and therefore no chemistry with lead Delores Del Rio. What were they thinking when he was cast as a romantic lead? Fortunately, Marshall is given frequent opportunities to exercise his excellent vocal chords. Unfortunately, a big part of the plot is Marshall's character, up and coming radio star Roger Kerry, feuding with Del Rio's character, dramatic actress Donna Alvarez - for apparently no reason. This is followed by the pair abruptly falling madly in love - again, with apparently no reason and no build up. Of course the pair's radio sponsors are pleased when a romance sparks between the two - it means great publicity. However, these same sponsors are equally displeased when the two decide to wed. Corporate meddling in affairs of the heart and complications ensue.
Although directed by Busby Berkeley, you won't see any of the hallmarks of Berkeley's films in which he was dance director. There are no big numbers of any kind. There is a very annoying number in the middle of the film that I had to finally fast forward to get through - "A Man Has To Shave". It's made annoying by the attempts made at comedy throughout the number by the three street singers that accompany Kerry from unemployed singer to stardom. The Three Stooges these three are not.
The positives in this film include the excellent comic support - and by support I do mean they're carrying this thing - given by reliable contract Warner Brothers players Allen Jenkins and Guy Kibbee. This film is a good example of the many B and B- features all of the studios churned out in support of their bigger and fewer A releases, which is a custom that continued until TV took away the audiences for the multitude of smaller films such as this one.