I really enjoy the films of Chester Morris and Richard Dix. They both made a few A-pictures and made quite a few B-movies...and their presence always helped these Bs to be a bit better than usual. So, you'd think putting BOTH in an A-picture would spell success...but you'd be wrong in the case of "Devil's Playground". It has an interesting premise but really makes the least of it and is hampered with a plot that is filled with contrived moments.
When the film begins, Jack and Robert (Dix and Morris) are career navy men and deep sea divers. Of the two, Jack is the expert--the deep diver who the Navy calls on when there is trouble. However, they receive different orders--and Jack is able to now be ashore and start a life apart from just the service and Robert is sent to submarine duty. During this time, Robert is given leave and he comes to visit his pal, Jack. But there's a problem...Jack was called to special duty on the night of his honeymoon and isn't available to see his buddy. So, Robert decides to find some female company...and doesn't realize the lady he just picked up and is falling for is Jack's incredibly unfaithful wife (Delored Del Rio). When Jack returns, he finds Robert with his wife and slugs him...and throws him out of his house. What happens next....well, that's why I only give this film a 5....it's THAT predictable and ridiculous!!! See the film....you'll see what I mean.