One reason you watch 1930s movies to experience the mood and atmosphere of the age. Grace Perkins who wrote a handful of those iconic early thirties movies such as NIGHT NURSE also wrote this. She wrote this however when she was just 19 working at a magazine in 1919 so its story, its attitudes are a decade older than the actual film. It's a 1930s picture but it's also a picture from an era even longer ago, from a time even more different and alien to us than the thirties. Not a great film but an interesting snapshot into how we thought, lived and loved in the 1920s.
It was set in a time when men were men, women were women, planes were called ships and aviation was pronounced aah-viation. The blend of Great War attitudes in a 1930s context makes this a little more interesting than your usual Columbia B movie. Evalyn Knapp's Kitty certainly isn't your typical girl of the thirties and certainly not a twenties flapper. She's a sweet young thing and it's the duty of her male companions to protect her from the attentions of other men....until she can marry someone she's only known for a couple of days because that's what girls had to do! It's fascinating to see that that their way of thinking and behaving seems so perfectly normal to them. These people look like us but they're so different even from the familiar faces we see in 1930s pictures; their sensibilities and points of view seem Victorian.
What is most definitely not Victorian is Thelma Todd. She has almost as much fun vamping up her role as the man-eating, sex crazed 'other woman' as we do watching her. Holy mackerel - now that's what I call a dress! I'm not sure I'd be able to resist her charms either. Her character isn't exactly subtle neither is it a well-developed character. And that's a problem with this film: the characters are very black or white. We have a good girl, a nice but boring boy, an exciting bad boy and a naughty bad girl. There's no nuance to anyone, their personalities are just clichés, but..... Grace Perkins was only a teenager when she wrote this so didn't have the experience of life to draw from at that stage....and the story probably didn't cost Columbia much
The story, which is as unbelievable as the characters, centres on Kitty's husband trying to get financial backing for his new airplane from wealthy Thelma Todd who will do so in return for sex. Does Kitty love her husband enough to allow him to achieve his dream by letting him be seduced by the wild, wealthy widow? Is husband actually thinking about airplanes at that point!!! It's not the best acting or direction you'll ever find but it will keep you amused for an hour.