This East Side Kids film shows where the group of actors are heading with the franchise. While Bobby Jordan was initially the leader of the gang, his screen time kept decreasing as Leo Gorcey's and Huntz Hall's increased. Here, Jordan is present...but seems to have nothing to do. So, in many ways it seems a lot like the later Bowery Boys films.
In this story, Mugs (Gorcey) finds out that his Uncle Pete (Noah Beery) is coming to town...which would be great if it wasn't for a few lies. Little did Mugs know that his father long ago told Pete he had seven kids....and this rich Texas uncle has been sending birthday money to all seven for many years and Mugs' mother has been pocketing it! To save face, Mugs decides to create six siblings---including Glimpy (Hall) as a girl and Sunshine Sammy Morrison one of the kids, even though he's black! Amazingly, the uncle believes it...and insists on painting the town red with Mugs and the family. Not surprisingly, eventually the truth comes out...and there are dire consequences.
This is worth seeing just to see the tall and gangly Huntz Hall playing a girl. It's far from intellectual fare...but manages to elicit a few laughs. The biggest deficit are the way overdone Texas accents out of the uncle and his daughter...they really laid in on thick!!