Tommy (Tommy Trinder), Lydia (Diana Decker) and The Professor (Sonnie Hale) are transported back in time to the Roman Empire under the rule of Emperor Nero (Francis L Sullivan) via a lightning flash at Stonehenge. We follow their plight as Tommy becomes Nero's soothsayer while Lydia and the Professor become part of Nero's harem. Can our gang make it back to the present...?
Unfortunately, this film is just tedious nonsense. Francis L Sullivan puts in an amusing portrayal of Nero, Frances Day as "Poppaea" has the glamour role and Trinder and Hale are nice enough in their roles, but the film just gets boring. There are way too many instantly forgettable songs crammed in and Decker's performance makes her come across as unpleasant and moody. I laughed at the beginning when Trinder said "Blimey, another government housing scheme gone wrong" on arriving at Stonehenge, and again when the entertainment list was being read to Nero and we could look forward to "Lisa the strip-teaser from Pisa". But that's pretty much it on the humour front apart from Sullivan's portrayal of Nero.
At the beginning we see Trinder and The Professor riding on a bike singing "Sweet Fanny Adams" - very appropriate for this film.