George Wallace stars as Commando Cody, a scientist and inventor who uses a jet-pack and special helmet to fly around and fight bad guys. He must thwart the efforts of Retik (Roy Barcroft), Ruler of the Moon to spearhead an invasion of the Earth so that the dwindling population of the moon can move here. Retik tasks his lackey Krog (Peter Brocco) with using the advanced weaponry of the moon to weaken the Earth's defenses. Cody and his team of helpers fight Krog at every step, so Krog enlists Earth criminals Graber (Clayton Moore) and Daly (Robert Stevenson) to help out.
This serial introduces the recurring character of Commando Cody, but it doesn't give much background, and we jump right into the middle of the action. The movie reuses a lot of footage from earlier serials, most prominently King of the Rocketmen and The Undersea Kingdom. Chief villain Retik is wearing the same moldy costume previously used in The Purple Monster Strikes and Flying Disc Man from Mars. The action is typical serial stuff, with lots of fist fights, and shoot-outs where no one is actually shot. I enjoy how the villains often continue to punch Cody in his metal helmet. One would think that it would quickly become apparent that that was a bad idea. Future Lone Ranger Clayton Moore was said to have been very exuberant in his fight scenes, and even broke leading man Wallace's nose. Commando Cody shall return!