I'll be up front here; I can't discern great, oscar winning acting from just plain good acting. So I'm not claiming to be an expert on the craft, but I CAN tell terrible acting from the decent stuff. Now, I grew up watching this show, and so was excited to find it on youtube to recapture some of milk, and sat down to watch a few episodes. I should have watched some Maverick episodes instead. Ugh. Just like the marionettes, claymation, and puppets, it hasn't aged well. Perhaps Chuck Norris grew up watching these, too, and that's what he patterned his acting after, because some of these actors are terrible. Still, it's worth a watch, if just to remember what fun it was when we were kids, to watch the westerns that we wanted to believe, were realistic examples of what life was long ago. But don't expect too much; enjoy it for what it is. Five out of ten stars.