The beginning when the snake charmer offers to show us "She who is a snake" for 100 dollars, followed by a well done and costumed dance scene, is good. The ending is suspenseful and quite good. Unfortunately, everything in between is mush. An effective performance by Faith Domergue as a cult leader who has the instincts to be more humanistic (but doesn't quite know how) cannot overcome the blandly directed, badly lit, overly padded middle hour-plus of this movie. Unfortunately the producers are too cheap to show any cult activity or morphing scenes during the long middle, instead all is only shadow or off screen except at the beginning and the very end.
The five future TV stars who portray potential cult victims are all capable and watchable but their efforts are mostly swallowed up in the long dreary middle of the movie. Many familiar faces are also present such as first class actor Walter Coy (The Searchers '56), and also Bing Russell and Ed Platt.
I expected more from a Universal horror movie. This film suffers from lack of style, imagination or excitement but you will be pleased to see the talented and enjoyable cast.