This film in the Bomba the Jungle Boy series has Johnny Sheffield making friends with the son of Donald Woods and Marjorie Lord who are in the jungle for Woods's work as a naturalist. The parents don't believe that Bomba exists, but their maid Elena Verdugo sure believes in the legend.
Some visitors come archaeologist Grandon Rhodes and his guides Don Harvey and John Ridgely and young Tommy Ivo as the son shows him a jewel encrusted dagger from a lost city in an extinct volcano that's right next a very much live one. Rhodes sees another finding like Schleimann did with Troy, but the other two see loot. They kidnap Ivo and force him to lead them to the treasure in the volcano with Bomba and the parents in hot pursuit.
I think you see where this is going. There was something kind of sweet about Bomba being lonely and making friends with young Ivo who in fact does look like him more than the local natives do. Even training him in jungle survival, a sort of Bomba Junior. Of course once Elena Verdugo happened on the scene I would think he'd want to make friends with her. She looks like she wants to with him real bad. In the previous film in the series Lita Baron in a similar role was a whole lot less subtle and I'm betting Monogram Pictures probably got mail on that from parents.
For a kid supposedly Bomba's protégé, young Ivo acts really dumb some times. Bomba rescues him once and the kid's actions get him captured again.
Not one of the better Bombas.