...of course, that depends on what definition of "gay" you're using. In terms of "happiness", this film falls quite flat (although there is a sense of hope in the short's very final moments, specifically the second to last shot), however in terms of homosexuality, this avant garde masterpiece is quite strong. A landmark of queer cinema, "A Song of Love" is a beautiful film no matter what your sexuality (as long as you have at least a mild tolerance for penis imagery), one that conveys the powers of passion like few films ever have. It expresses ones most inner feelings and desires in a fashion that is abstract, but enjoyable and relatable. I'm not gay myself, but I can certainly identify with this film to an extent, it is like a visual representation of the great emotional toll love can have on a person, and it's brilliantly made. The cinematography, acting, lighting, camera-work, editing, and so on are all top notch, and as long as you can get into the film's experimental style, you're most likely to relish in its erotic and emotional glories.