This is an eerie movie about someone who comes back from the dead to take over the body of someone else.
This was accomplished by practitioners of the black arts who wanted to bring the original person back to life.
The entire movie has a rather strange atmosphere due to the subject matter.
This is an interesting subject because it is probably possible. Usually the cases I've heard about was where someone becomes possessed by non human entities (The Exorcist, The Amityville Horror, etc.).
Possibly more likely is the theory presented in the the movie 'Horror Hotel' where the satanic creatures are given many lifetimes by Satan.
Ultimately this is probably what satanism comes down to. A certain number of evil lifetimes in exchange for a soul.
It is thought provoking.
Jeff Marzano
Recommended further viewing:
Horror Hotel IT ! (The Terror From Beyond Space) Invasion Of The Saucer Men Not Of This Earth (original) The Blob (with Steve McQueen) The Brain That Wouldn't Die The Flesh Eaters The Fly / The Return Of The Fly / The Curse Of The Fly The Four Skulls Of Jonathan Drake The Hideous Sun Demon The Hypnotic Eye The Incredible Shrinking Man The Indestructible Man The Manster The Thing (from another world) The Thing That Couldn't Die The Twilight Zone Collections