This is the earliest show I can remember watching from it's first run, with the possible exceptions of the Roy Roger Show or The Adventures of Superman. I was born in 1953 and recall this show was on about the time my Dad got home from work. He wanted to spend some time with me after a long day at the office and we curled up together on the coach and watched Casey Jones "cannonballing down the track." I got a tape of the premiere episode a couple years and showed it to him. He couldn't remember the show, (He's pushing 90). But I could. It was an exciting episode about the railroad line trying to stay in business by proving it could deliver a mail contract faster than a rival running on conveniently parallel tracks. The "bad guys" cheated a lot but were beaten in the end. I noted with some amusement that they seemed to go past the same tree at least a dozen times. But it was fun and brought back warm memories.
I wholly agree with the comments above. It was a gentle family western with plenty of action but little "violence". It gave Alan Hale Jr. probably his best, if not his most famous role. He still expansively friendly and warm but also reasonably intelligent and well-principled, a good hero to have in a show such as this. There are so many actors famous for their TV roles who become prisoners of them and Mr. Hale was certainly one of them He was wonderful as "The Skipper", but he was excellent in this role as well and could have done a lot more than he was offered later in his career.