Laura (Gracita Morales) is an ugly girl of good economic position , daughter of a wealthy lady (Lili Murati) . As a student , she rejected the proposal of Periquito (José Sacristán) to be her boyfriend , a schoolmate who was deeply in love with her , for deeming him a bit ¨nutty". Thing go wrong for Laura , as time has passed and, year after year , she's become an alone girl . Their old friends have already married while she remains as a spinster after twenty years since she lost that opportunity with Periquito . Because of all this , Laura feels very unlucky . One day , extremely anxious , she buys a sculpture of San Antonio to help to exact her purports to wedding . There are many obstacles on the way and she has to avoid the ambitious wishes of her mother and while being badly advised by her friend Julia (Rosanna Yanni) who just married Esteban (Ricardo Merino) . Surprisingly , little by little , it stars showing up no less than four suitors (Manolo Gomez Bur , José Sazatornil ¨Saza¨ , Antonio Ozores , José Sacristán) at the same time . Laura eventually finishes choosing one of them, and along the way being practically harassed by the motley group of suitors for the remaining seven days for the wedding celebration .
This is one of the worst filmed and most absurd adaptations based on a play by Alfonso Paso . Dealing with the social desire of the desperate girls to find a husband , as our starring is really stressed and unhappy woman because her acquaintances have been marrying one after another and she's unfortunately remained single . Regularly-performed, though including some notorious actors , it is handicapped because the protagonists are too idiot for the roles , creating some silliest characters of the Spanish cinema . This lousy and disconcerting rendition has the virtue of a good and appealing casting, as the great José Sazatornil ¨Saza¨, the always sympathetic Gracita Morales with her peculiar voice , gorgeous Rosanna Yanni , and the likeable Antonio Ozores . Here stands out a decent secondary cast , such as : Jose Sacristán , Lili Muráti , Manolo Gómez Bur , Ricardo Merino , Tina Sáinz , Fernando Bilbao , Julio Carabias , Francisco Guijar , and uncredited Barbara Rey , Fernando Fernan Gómez himself, among others .
This silly and and nonsense picture is set in the Seventies and regularly photographed by cameraman Vicente Minaya , being shot on location , in Madrid and surrounding locations . In addition , it packs and atmospheric and evocative musical score by Adolfo Waitzman . Based on a play by Alfonso Paso , deemed to be the most prolific writers of the Francoist period . He was a popular playwright who wrote more than 120 plays . At the beginning he was screenwriter for Juán Antonio Bardem in Felices Pascuas , Antonio Del Amo in Sierra maldita , Eugenio Martin in Despedida de soltero , and José Maria Forqué in De espaldas a la puerta and El Secreto de Monica . Alfonso wrote a lot of plays , subsequently adapted on screen , such as : Vamos a contar mentiras , Hay alguien detrás de la puerta , Usted puede ser un asesino , Cena de matrimonios , Los derechos de la mujer and the successful Enseñar a un sinvergüenza . Later on , he debuts as an actor and filmmaker , directing titles as : Vamos a por la perejita , Los extremeños se tocan , No somos ni Romeo ni Julieta , Celos amor y mercado común , Ligue story , La otra residencia , among others . The motion picture was lousily written/directed by Fernando Fernán Gómez and it failed at the Spanish boxoffice . Fernán Gómez appeared in more than 200 films , directed another 20 and wrote novels , plays and poetry . He was a member of the Spanish Royal Academy and one of the best actors of the film history . Along with Icíar Bollaín , he's the only person to have been nominated as performer (El Abuelo (1998), director (El Viaje a Ninguna Parte (1986) and writer (Lázaro De Tormes (2001) for three different movies at the Goya awards . He actually won in every category at least once . This prolific and prestigious actor also directed a few films , such as : ¨Lazaro De Tormes¨ , ¨Fuera De Juego ¨, ¨Mambrú Se Fue a La Guerra¨ , ¨5 Tenedores¨ , ¨5.000 Dias Juntos¨ , ¨Ninette¨ , ¨Venganza De Don Mendo¨ , ¨El Extraño Viaje¨ that is today deemed a real ¨Cult Movie¨ similar to ¨El Mundo Sigue¨and his greatest success ¨Viaje a Ninguna Parte¨ . And this ¨Como Casarse en 7 dias¨(1971) rating : 3.5/10 .