Much better than the film makers' previous "American Rev. 2" because it is more focused on a single unjust incident and its terrible reverberations than the earlier work which took its sweet time to get to the point, namely that poor whites and blacks should forge a common bond, with way too much time spent on extraneous stuff like the anti war protests in Chicago in '68. Not that this documentary is all that concise! The first hour is basically a series of Fred Hampton speeches in which he makes some cogent points, like the need for affordable healthcare and the alliance between racism and capitalism, as well as some, like an admiration for the Duvalier dictatorship in Haiti and the virtues of Chairman Mao, that show why it's a good thing that the Panthers were doomed to failure.
However, once we get to the eponymous slaying and see the clumsy machinations of the corrupt Chicago justice system, personified by DA Ed Hanrahan who looks and sounds like a character right out of Ben Hecht, the film's pace considerably picks up and we are riveted. Whereas I periodically stopped to check the time during the first hour there were no such signs of impatience and ennui during the second. Give it a B.
PS...One wonders if, had he lived, Hampton would have morphed into Bobby Rush, his number two guy, who is now a reliably corporate Democratic member of Congress or if he would have stayed true to his extreme left wing beliefs. We'll never know but his fervency, as opposed to Rush's more measured tones, perhaps provides us with a clue.