Witches' Mountatin begins with an exasperated woman who is driven to burning her admittedly bratty daughter. This woman is the wife of Mario, who looks as if he walked off a porno set, a newspaper photographer who is so turned off by spending time with her that he calls his boss and demands that he cancel his vacation and send him on any assignment available. He gets his wish in the form of a mountain community that is supposedly haunted. As Mario travels to the mountain he comes across a blued-eyed, raven haired beauty, Delia played by Patty Shepard. After a quick introduction that began by Mario photographing her topless, a shot not afforded the viewer much to my chagrin, she agrees to accompany him to the mountain. Once they arrive both Mario and Delia realize that there is truth to the rumors. All does not end well.
What turned me on most about this movie was how smart it was written. Too many times the lead characters remain stupid just to advance the plot. When Mario comes across something that seems odd he doesn't accept it as face value but rather questions why it so. The face Delia sees in her second floor window prompts just such an example. The use of the music was very effective as well as it added to the eerie atmosphere. The Witches' Mountain doesn't offer anything new or original and is very tame (no nudity and PG level violence) but what it does well is present a quick paced story that kept me interested to the end. A true surprise indeed! Give it a view.