When the film begins, a gang of crooks are robbing a factory and stealing canisters of poison gas. However, when police cars near, the gang leader kills the minions who helped him with the robbery...so obviously he doesn't like any loose ends. Fortunately, one of these poor devils isn't quite dead and tells the police that the killer was Stone and something about a cellmate called 'Trevor' who is about to do a job for Stone. It turns out Treavor is still in prison and is about to be released...and the plan is to substitute Agent Cotton (George Nader) for the famous safe-cracker. But the problem is that Stone ALWAYS ends up killing his hired help...so how is Cotton going to avoid this as well?!
I've only seen this and the first Agent Cotton film. Compared to the first, the production values are a bit better--with color film and some nice Los Angeles location shooting. HOWEVER, it's obvious that Nader isn't in these scenes and the shots are clumsily back projected-- with Nader and others acting in front of this screen. It's a very poor system...but even for rear projection this is the worst I have ever seen!! It's worse than the system that was used in "The Bank Dick" almost thirty years earlier!! The production team should have been embarrassed to use these scenes.
The most important parts are the plot, writing and acting....so are they any good? Of course. In fact, if the production values had just been a bit better the movie would have scored an 8. Quite enjoyable.
By the way, although I have enjoyed seeing the Agent Cotton films, unfortunately not all of them on YouTube are dubbed (or even subbed) into English. I know the films were originally dubbed into many languages but until I can find them, I may have to just be content with watching a few of the eight original Cotton pictures.