THE OILY MANIAC Stars Danny Lee as Shen Yuan, who is given a mystical secret that can cure him of his polio. It also makes him invulnerable as long as he does good deeds. Following instructions, Shen turns into the shrieking petroleum product of the title, and begins wiping out bad guys right away.
All goes well until Shen uses his powers out of anger, causing him to go totally berserk! The scene where he deals with his corrupt boss is quite memorable indeed! The finale is a feast of fiery fluidity.
As Shaw Brothers films go, this is a good one. It's funny, exhilarating, and absolutely nuts! Sort of like a hybrid of SWAMP THING and THE TOXIC AVENGER (predating both of these films by a few years). The copious amount of female toplessness adds immensely to the absurdity of the whole affair!
You will not forget the Maniac's scream if you live to be a thousand!...