I first saw this on cable probably 25 years ago. When it came up on Prime I decided to take a trip down Memory Lane. Some films age better than others...this one not so much. Still, if you enjoy the '70 teens and cars genre (Grand Theft Auto, The Van, etc.), you'll probably find something entertaining in this low-budget car theft comedy. It's always a pleasure to watch Darrin McGavin in comedic roles and he lifts the script (which he co-wrote under his birth name) higher than it has a right to be. The rest of the cast succeeds or fails to various degrees.
The good:
Dick Martin as a shady divorce lawyer.
Denise Nickerson as Larry, the teen car thief.
The mediocre:
Sylvia Miles as the repo company owner.
Lyle Wagonner as a gay bartender.
The bad:
Joan Collins as the same tramp Joan Collins always plays.
The horrendous:
The Hudson Brothers during their 15 minutes of fame.
One final note: this film probably falls into the "they couldn't make this today" category.
Darrin MacGavin's Michael character is probably in his late 30's-early 40's. Larry is a 16 year old girl. (actress Denise Nickerson is really 31, looking every bit of 16). While pulling up just short of statutory rape (and Larry tries like heck), Michael resists, but nonetheless there is a creepiness hovering over them. It does gets resolved in the end.